Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Indonesian Sauce

Chilli sauce with the main ingredient is prepared from crushed up chilli pepper extract content which was scathing and added other ingredients such as salt and shrimp paste.

Sambal is one of the typical dishes of Indonesian , Malay were also found in the culinary South Asia and East Asia . There are many different variations of chili coming from different regions.

Juice Buah Carica dan manfaatnya

Benefits of Fruit Carica containing fiber can help improve digestive function . Carica fruit , from the name alone is demonstrated unique because it is still rarely heard pieces of information on this one . The difference between a fruit Carica papaya that we usually encounter in the market or supermarket was the fruit is smaller than usual and also papaya fruit only live in the plains of cold temperature like in the mountains Dieng .

It says this fruit is the fruit of the gods , which seemed to imply that this fruit has particularly large number of benefits to health . This fruit contains a number of nutrients such as fiber , vitamin E , vitamin B complex , the enzyme papain which is very high , vitamin A , vitamin C.